Back To Mind Ortho

Peripheral and Spinal Nerve
Stimulation Implants

Free Consultation

(754) 314-2121

Implant Nerve Stimulators are a revolutionary new approach to pain management, offering a safe and effective solution for chronic pain relief. Unlike traditional treatments that can have numerous side effects, Implant Nerve Stimulators are a minimally invasive option that delivers targeted stimulation to the affected area. The stimulation helps to reduce pain by blocking pain signals before they reach the brain.

The Implant Nerve Stimulators is small, wireless, and can be implanted with a simple outpatient procedure. It is designed to be long-lasting and offers customizable stimulation to ensure the best possible results for each patient. This innovative technology has been successfully used to treat a variety of chronic pain conditions, including back pain, neck pain, and arthritis.

At our organization, our medical professionals are trained in the latest techniques for implanting Implant Nerve Stimulators and will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. Our goal is to help you achieve maximum pain relief and improved quality of life. If you’re tired of living with chronic pain and are looking for a safe and effective alternative to traditional treatments, the Implant Nerve Stimulators may be right for you.


The Implant Nerve Stimulators offers numerous benefits to those suffering from chronic pain. Some of the key advantages include

Newest Technology

The Implant Nerve Stimulators is a small, wireless device that is implanted with a simple outpatient procedure, reducing the risk of complications and side effects associated with traditional treatments.

Customizable Stimulation

The Implant Nerve Stimulators offers customizable stimulation, allowing for a tailored approach to pain management that provides the best possible results for each patient.

Safe and Effective

The Implant Nerve Stimulators has been clinically proven to be safe and effective for reducing chronic pain, making it an attractive alternative to traditional treatments.

Non-opioid Solution

The Implant Nerve Stimulators is a non-opioid solution for chronic pain relief, avoiding the potential side effects and addictive nature of traditional pain medications.

Suffering From Pain?

Start living a pain-free life today!

Take control of your pain and start experiencing a better quality of life today. Schedule a pain management appointment now.